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Trial of the Gods: Launch Companion





The newest expansion is geared to shake up the meta, but you don’t have to go it alone, mortal! We're here to guide you through the wondrous Trial (of the Gods) to come! 

What is Trial of the Gods? 

Trial of the Gods is the latest expansion set for Gods Unchained, and its imminent release marks the start of Season 1: Champions Rise!

The set pulls mortals into a divine contest between the six known gods and those who serve them. Each god has selected a worthy champion to represent them in the Grand Arena, and the victor shall prove which god’s power reigns supreme. With 150 new cards to play with, there's a whole new range of strategy and combos to explore in the game.

Each domain is getting a bunch of new additions:

150 new cards. Limitless possibilities.

... with new members to the following Tribes also coming to the party!

Pictured: Fortified Acropolis (structure)

What’s on offer?

Trial of the Gods brings with it new cards that can be purchased from the Gods Unchained website. To celebrate the arrival of Season 1 and the new expansion set, we're launching with an early bird special of 15% off the first week of sales, moving to 7.5% off for the remainder of the month.


Without further ado, here's what's on the table:

Trial of the Gods Card Packs: There are four different types of card packs: Rare, Epic, Legendary and Shiny-Legendary to be purchased. Packs will drop five Trial of the Gods cards, with one card guaranteed to be the same rarity value as the name of the pack. All card packs will also drop Draw Tickets.

Rare to Shiny Legendary

Trial of the Gods Chests: Chests are boxes that hold six card packs inside, but what sets them apart from card packs is that they can actually be saved to be opened at a later date – as well as traded with other mortals on the marketplace!

Prize Draws: These are events that will see limited edition trinkets, boards, card backs and cards go on sale. There are two draws: The Shadow Draw and the Mythic Draw. Check out our blog about Prize Draw to see the goodies on offer.

Find out more about our packs and chests in our launch video!

Killer ideas wanted!

Enter the DeFi Challenge to be in the running to win ETH! Learn more.

How do the Trial of the Gods champions change the game?

The champions enter the Grand Area

One of the centerpieces of the new set (and the season!) is the introduction of champions: those chosen to represent each of the gods in the Grand Arena. They are strong build-around cards with unique attributes and a bunch of corresponding cards that flesh out their tale.

Each of the Legendary Relics relate to the story of the champions and have great impact on the game state when played at the right time. Eagle-eyed observers will also find a spell that represents the traits and personality of each champion amid the cards of Trial of the Gods.

Similarly, the ‘Trial’ cards offer a strong and flavorful challenge to your opponents, an instant impact on the board in the form of a powerful spell. These are the literal trials at the heart of Trial of the Gods’ lore; it's how each god tests the mettle of an opposing god's champion – doing so this by creating a challenge aimed to expose each champion's weaknesses. As a result, these cards fall into the decks of the god who has chosen the trial, not the champion who must overcome it.

It’s well worth familiarizing yourself with them to get an edge on the competition! 

Let’s break ‘em down:

Lysander, Champion of Light

His weapon of choice is Lysander: Champion of Light Lysander’s Mercy . serves as the bulwark of your army with a ton of staying power and strong synergies. It’s not just Frontline and Ward; if he survives an encounter, he’ll return to full strength and bolster the rest of your army. His ability to reset each turn, and gain strength with ally heals, makes him an extremely strong contender for any midrange Light deck out there!  spares all creatures from battle, but can also be a potentially devastating source of peace and quiet on the battlefield.  Lysander’s Spear, which gets sturdier with every Light card played to the board,. It's an item to rally around, as it has the ability to buff allies at the cost of its own durability
, Auros’s (God of War) challenge for Lysander, either by pushing enough damage to win the game outright or by making it very difficult for your opponent to stick a creature in the future until your big guns arrive to close out the game.Trial of the Innocents War players can leverage a strong board state for themselves with

Neferu, Champion of Death

can be a devastating finisher or a surprise change in the game state with the right setup, putting one creature above all others to dish out the damage you need. Neferu’s Khopesh offers a powerful board clear when played (and potentially more if the Afterlife condition is met) but comes at the cost of damaging yourself and your own creatures in the process. Neferu’s Will can destroy a targeted creature at the cost of durability, and the chance to wield it against your own army opens up some very interesting gameplay opportunities for Death players. Neferu: Champion of Death
Trial of the First PillarNeferu’s trial is given by Thaeriel (God of Light) in the form of . This card serves as a strong defensive option in the late game as it levels the playing field by setting all creatures to 2/2, while also dropping a big ol’ pillar with Frontline to hide behind. 

Orfeo, Champion of Deception

Orfeo’s Mask can be a nifty and potentially devastating source of extra tempo (or delayed removal) for free... under the right circumstances. He's a master at hiding behind his allies, flitting in and out of shadow with deadly requires a bit of setup to function as a powerful board clear, the sheer amount of resources it offers could very well make it a back-breaking play for slower Deception decks.  Orfeo: Champion of Deception offers a great and reliable opportunity to continually delay your opponent over and over again. "Oh, sorry, you wanted to play THAT card? ... hm... nope." Though Orfeo’s Guile precision.
Trial of the HydraAeona (Goddess of Nature), which can be game-winning on its own as it adds regeneration and buffs to all friendly creatures, and you need to keep it in mind at all times when you go up against a Nature player. challenges Orfeo with

Pallas, Champion of Magic

Pallas’ Incantation is able to disrupt many of your opponents’ strategies when cast at the right time. Rats! such an exciting choice, able to impact an enemy creature, the opposing god or friendlies on the board in many different ways, all at a fairly low mana cost compared to some of the beefier champions. offers an incredibly consistent way to redraw your cards, and should be one of the first candidates you have in mind when building a combo deck. Pallas: Champion of MagicIt’s the flexibility that makes Pallas’ Wand
Trial of the Underworld , Malissus’ (Goddess of Death) test for the Champion of Magic, which generates a massive board for you with just a single card, provided those who play it (or their opponents) have built the right deck for the payoff!Pallas’ trial lands in Death decks with

Selena, Champion of Nature

Selena: Champion of NatureSelena’s Insight is a low cost and consistent source of removal in the right deck. Her bow is accurate, reliable and mighty fine to look at. can leverage one large creature as a complete board clear... if you play your cards right. Selena’s Bow offers great boons to the rest of your army or a debilitating hit for an opposing creature foolish enough to tread on the battlefield. Once again, the flexibility opens up a lot of options some of the other champions may lack.
Trial of the False Reflection, a replication card that has the potential to snowball in very little time.Selena is challenged by Elyrian (God of Magic) with

Valka, Champion of War

Valka: Champion of Wara strong Roar effect, she is arguably the most impactful of the six the moment she hits the board. Valka’s Discovery allows you to interact with Hidden creatures and remove other boons that would otherwise be untouchable in most gameplay scenarios. Exactly like the pesky beasts that are summoned by the following trial... can also serve as a strong removal option, cutting swathes through the battlefield with a whopping 4 damage to each creature in battle. is the meanest of them all on an individual basis, a champion who can single-handedly turn around a pitched battle with a well-timed charge. Wielding Frontline, Twin Strike, Overkill and Valka’s Axe
. It can be a game winner as – at the very least – it’s a problematic board state for your opponent to deal with in most situations... like, say, if Valka’s Discovery isn’t on-hand. Shadow of LethanonsTrial of the Shadows, which fills the user’s board with Ludia’s (Goddess of Deception) trial for Valka is

Witness each Champion and what they fight for in our second launch video below.

Go beyond the cards

Beyond their gameplay impact, the ‘Trial’ and the different champions also expand on the backstory and lore of Gods Unchained, fleshing out the world of Eucos in further detail. It’s not just the stories told by the card art and the abilities: Trial of the Gods also features quite a lot of written lore detailing the rise of each champion and the divine power struggle behind the great contest.

Is there a Mythic card?

There sure is! And you have a chance to get your hands on it if you enter the Mythic Draw. The Citadel of the Gods is the Trial of the Gods Mythic, allowing mortals to play through the ultimate Trial of the Gods showdown in one single match.

This is a one-of-a-kind card, which means there is – and forever will be – only one version of this card... can we be any clearer that THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!? Be sure to be around when the Citadel of the Gods descend from the heavens.

To be in the run to win it, you’ll need to have the lucky Draw Ticket that’s picked on the day. These can be collected from Trial of the Gods Card Packs or traded on third-party marketplaces. 

I only just got started playing Gods Unchained. Am I at a disadvantage?

You most certainly aren’t (other than game knowledge, of course). All it takes to have a strong competitive deck are 30 cards that work well with your playstyle, same as it does for everyone else. With the introduction of the Welcome Set (a set of 140 cards for all players), and the fact that Gods Unchained offers card trading via the Marketplace beyond the industry standard card packs, this means that you can immediately beeline for the decks used by the best players in the game. For those looking to get the most out of the Welcome set, check out Welcome Set: 27 of the Best & Brightest Cards.

While the new Trial of the Gods cards won’t be tradable on the Marketplace until the Balancing Phase is over, they’ll be available for purchase from the website in the form of Card Packs and Chests during the Trial of the Gods sales period. They can also be pulled into games by cards with the Delve ability. 

Let the Trials begin!

The Trial of the Gods has been laid out, not just for the champions of Eucos, but for all mortals who dare approach the new season. There are endless ways to play, and we’re excited to see what amazing builds and strategies are devised by clever mortals when the set goes live. 

May the gods be merciful and the rewards bountiful!

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