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Update - September 12, 2018





Hello, majestic creatures. Here to give you some brief updates on new stuff in the wild wacky world of Gods Unchained.

We won’t touch on too many game developments just yet (which I know many of you are anticipating), but we can confidently say things are moving along according to plan and we’re itching to show off what we’ve been working on behind closed doors. Thankfully, we’re almost ready to :)

Winter is over in Sydney; hibernation has ended.

For now, here’s what’s good.

EXPOSED: The God of Light ⚡️

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’d know that each god in the GU universe has unique powers which will have a significant impact on gameplay and countering opponent’s pesky decks.

Well, we’re beginning to share those powers, and the noble God of Light, Thaeriel, has volunteered to reveal himself first.

You can read about his powers for enforcing justice among enemies here.

Major updates to our API ⚙️

So, first and foremost, we have a dope community.

In the last update, we announced a bare-bones API that people could interact with. It didn’t include much, but that didn’t stop some from building AWESOME tools with it.

Discord member “Ant” built out a Gods Unchained Info center which displays global statistics for cards that we don’t feature on our site (including # in circulation and breakdown of rarity and shine by the numbers). It also features a collection explorer so you can view all your cards in a table with corresponding information on each. It’s awesome.

Other members “BitcoinCEO” and “EthereumCEO” built a GU Deck Building Tool, which allows you to craft decks with either the cards you own or select from a database containing every card in the genesis set. If you want to get a jump on crafting a deck for the beta we recommend you check it out.

We’re also excited to announce that we’ve dramatically improved the API and corresponding documentation.

What’s been updated:

  • Image access (both standalone art and card formatting)
  • Big performance improvements
  • Proper pagination
  • Sorting and ordering
  • Lots of new filters on almost every method
  • Support for ranges in numerical parameters
  • Support for disjunctive (OR-based) queries
  • New helper methods (/rarity, /ranking, /inventory)
  • Deck string support

If you’re interested in poking around, you can find the full API spec here.

We’ve also come up with a helpful protocol for storing decks so 3rd party apps and the main game can communicate, that can be found here, with a go library for implementing it here.

Other cool (but random) stuff

  • People from every country in the world have visited (except North Korea, as far as we know).
  • If you click on an item in your inventory it now displays the full artwork. You’re free to download it and hang it on your wall if you’d like… you know… if you’re into that.

What’s next

  • Your first look inside our core set
  • Promotions and awesome items/collectibles.
  • Ability to save and share pack openings
  • and much much more (which we’ll share when we’re ready)

That’s all for now, but we encourage you to spend time with your family, go outdoors, and get caught up on sleep because we’re preparing to drop some bombs on ya’ll.

Stay tuned for future updates by joining us on TwitterMedium, and Discord!