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A New Game Board and a Truck Load of Card Balancing

Welcome to the balancing beta! Over the next couple of months the team will monitor the performance of cards and measure the balance of different deck combinations to ensure the game remains fair, fun and competitive.  

This update also brings with it the new game board, which introduces a completely new in-game board experience including revamped GUI and HUD elements. Performance-wise, it will also run at a smoother frame rate and demand less resources (30% less VRAM). 

In addition to this, the team has implemented a balance patching system whereby  any balance adjustments won’t require players to download a full new build of the game. So expect balance adjustments more frequently, with less waiting time and strain on your bandwidth =) 

Now, without further adieu… 

The New Game Board!

Ta-da! We’d like to present the new game board where you’ll be laying waste to your opponents. 

Every facet of the board has been redesigned to be more intuitive so let’s take a quick tour.

Behold the new game board!

Card selection screens

From the get-go the initial god power and mulligan selection screens now appear in the foreground to make your choices easier. 

You’ll be able to clearly identify the characteristics most important to you and then jump  right into a game. 

Bigger is better

Once the match officially begins, you’ll notice pretty much everything has had a fresh lick of paint. The dev team listened to community feedback about the old board and went about simplifying the look and feel.

In addition to the colour balance, the play area in the middle of the board has been increased and there’s less peripheral distractions on the borders so you can zone in on the action. The size of the card art has also been scaled up. 

Importantly, space has also been vacated for trinkets which will live snugly on the left and right sides of your god (in a future update). Time to bust out those kitties!

Slimline design

You’ll notice the mana pool has now been removed in favour of a new compact diamond icon on the bottom right, which unpacks when clicked.

The god power and weapon icons next to your god portrait have also undergone a redesign and are now housed in a harmonious circle instead of a pentagon-thingy.

Void visibility 

Last but not least, the void. Click on either void and it will now open up full screen with the larger and more easy-to-read card descriptions. 

Later in the game, when there are loads of destroyed cards the scrolling slider on the bottom of the screen will help navigation. 

So that’s a very quick look at the new board! We think it’s a game-changer so be sure to try it out and drop by our official Discord to share your thoughts! 

New Cards Added

MerlinCompost CharmJudge EnvoyJason, Medea's MuseAquatic TorturerMade MarkFrey, Archmage of SeleneMuggingCanopy BarrageSet OshiThree's a CrowdPorphyrion, Dread CyclopsAuric MageFerocious RougarouLeyhoard HatchlingSpellstealerEquivalent ExchangeDreaming SceptreThe Black ArgoLabyrinth MinotaurSigurd, Dragon SlayerDust To DustKidnapperDragon's LootMind ProbeAvatar of DeceptionBlastwaveHector, Prince of TroyThe MastermindReanimateSerene BladeShadow SlashMemory CharmSiren of the GraveMyrto's DaughterCheatDark KnivesBlack RhinoBlessed IbisHunting TrapHippolyta, DividedSingsong SatyrLightdaemon KingHyperionPhylacteryDeception, UnshroudedDart ManiacAuric RushDrider of the DepthsPrescient SpellbinderInspiratorGive SoulSip of ElixirRuned AspGive MindTracking BoltPyrocannonWarriorDouble DealerLight's LevySeerFarsight ExplorerAmplification Machine

Cards Temporarily Removed

Note: Most of these will be gradually re-entering the game in sneaky card patches over the next few weeks

Seeing StoneMorgana's GrimoireGriffith, The ChosenPickpocketLiving ContainerCloneCutthroat InsightSlip BladeCultivateFickle CambionFirewineLight, AscendedHeads or TailsApocalypse, Now!Rune Of SightNethergramSoothsayer Jinxblade Duelist Shadow SlashDestructive DaggerRead The LeavesSeerTake Them All OnBalance SummonerSign of AvariceOdin, Endless WarDouble DealerAncient TextsDeception, UnshroudedVault Vagabond

Cards Changes (balancing)

Influential Incubus
Before: Roar: For every two Nether in your deck, this creature gains 1 health and deals 1 damage to your god.
After: Roar: For every three Nethers in your deck, this creature gains +1 health and deals 1 damage to your god.

Petard "Elder"
Before: Roar: Deal 3 damage to a random enemy creature.
After: Afterlife: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy creature.

Amplification Machine
Before: Backline. The first friendly roar effect each turn will trigger twice with a random valid target.
After: Ability: Return target friendly creature to your hand. Reduce its mana cost by 2 this turn.

Wrath Zealot
Before: Deadly. Roar: Summon two copies of this creature.
After: Deadly. Ward. Roar: Summon a Wrath Zealot.

Death Masque
Before: Roar: Choose a creature. Afterlife: Destroy the chosen creature.
After: When a friendly creature dies, give burn +1 to a random enemy creature.

Cambion Runelord
Before: Roar: Add 1 rune to your hand for each Nether in your deck.
After: Roar: Add 1 rune to your hand for every 3 Nethers in your deck.

Endow Wings
Before: Give a friendly creature: "At the end of your turn, reveal a random card from your opponent's hand". Draw a card.
After: Give a friendly creature ward and "at the end of your turn, add a copy of a random card from your opponent's hand."

Leyline Djinn
Before: Costs 1 less for each mana you've spent on spells this game.
After: When Leyline Djinn is in your hand and you cast a spell, reduce Leyline Djinn's cost by the spells mana cost.

Aquatic Torturer
Before: Can only attack if you control 2 other Atlanteans. Your other Atlanteans gain flank.
After: Can't attack gods. Control Atlantean: Roar: Friendly Atlanteans gain flank, Aquatic Torturer loses can't attack gods.

Before: Secretly target an enemy creature. If that creature attacks next turn, summon three 2/2's that attack it. Else, return this card to your hand.
After: Summon 3 1/1 Rogue Skulkers, they attack target enemy creature.

Leviathan Hunter
Before: Roar: Equip a 2/1 Barbed Hook.
After: Roar: Equip a 1/2 Barbed Hook.

Grass Roots
Before: Obliterate two random cards from your void. Add two random Nature cards to your hand.
After: Add 2 random Nature cards to your hand. Obliterate 6 random cards from your void.

Outcast Amazon
Before: Roar: Select a new god power. It cannot be used this turn.
After: Roar: Select a new common god power from your god. It cannot be used this turn.

Reflection Elementalist
Before: Roar: Summon 2 copies of this creature.
After: Ward. Roar: Transform a friendly creature into a Reflection Elementalist.

Netherborne Binder
Before: Afterlife: Heal your opponent's god for 2.
After: Afterlife: Heal your opponent's god for 10.

Flying Carpet
Before: Pick one: Gain ward, or reveal a random card from your opponent's hand.
After: Pick one: Gain ward, or foresee 1.

Wasteful Shax
Before: Regen 1. At the end of your opponent's turn, obliterate a random creature in your hand. Destroy Wasteful Shax if you cannot.
After: Regen 2. At the end of your opponent's turn, obliterate a random creature in your hand. Destroy Wasteful Shax if you cannot.

La Bolefuego
Before: Roar: Spells cost 5 more for your opponent's next turn.
After: Roar: Put all spells in your opponent's hand on top of their deck. For each spell moved, give them a Rune Of Sight.

False Peace
Before: Return 2 random enemy and 2 random friendly creatures to their owners' hands.
After: Return 2 random enemy and 2 random friendly creatures to their owners' hands. Your creatures returned this way have their cost reduced by 2.

Vile Mantis
Before: Roar: Destroy two other random friendly creatures, and gain +3/+3 for each creature destroyed.
After: Roar: Destroy two other random friendly creatures, and gain +2/+3 for each creature destroyed.

Raiding Kraken
Before: Costs 1 less for each enemy creature on the board.
After: While Raiding Kraken is in your hand, if you play a creature, reduce mana cost by 1.

Loam Naturalist
Before: At the end of your turn, remove 3 cards from your void and add a random Nature card to your hand.
After: At the end of your turn, remove 3 random cards from your void and add a random Nature card to your hand.

Nature, Overgrown
Before: Roar: Obliterate 12 cards in your void. Refresh 6 mana. Your god power becomes Cultivate.
After: Roar: Refresh 7 Mana. Obliterate your Void. Change your God Power to Cultivate.

Morgana's Grimoire
Before: All your spells that cost no more than your total unlocked mana gems have their cost reduced by 2. Whenever you cast a spell, remove 1 durability.
After: Ability: reduce by 1 the cost of all spells in your hand that costs no more than your total unlocked Mana gems. Remove 1 durability.

Arcane Sphere
Before: Creatures damaged by this get burn +5.
After: Creatures damaged by this get burn +4.

Magic Missile Launcher
Before: Godblitz. Afterlife: Deal 2 damage to two random enemy creatures.
After: Afterlife: Deal 2 damage to two random creatures.

Thanakris Spell-Locusts
Before: Deadly. At the start of your turn, move this card from the void to your hand, choose and Obliterate a card, then summon this creature.
After: Deadly. Afterlife: At the start of your next turn, choose and obliterate a card, then summon this creature from the void.

The Portable Fortress
Before: Frontline. Cannot attack.
After: Frontline. Can't attack. At the end of each turn, set this creature's attack to 0.

Relay Runner
Before: Afterlife: Summon a 2/2 Relay Runner
After: Roar: If there is another Relay Runner on the board, all Relay Runners gain +1/+1.

Hardened Channeler
Before: Protected. Roar: Deal 1 damage to all enemy creatures.
After: Afterlife: Deal 1 damage to all enemy creatures.

Zaxiom, Cryptic Panther
Before: If any creatures in your hand have deadly, flank, frontline, hidden, protected, twin strike, or ward, gain those attributes.
After: Roar: If any creatures in your hand have deadly, flank, frontline, hidden, protected, twin strike, or ward, gain those attributes.

Hector, Prince of Troy
Before: If any creatures in your void have blitz, flank, frontline, leech, protected, twin strike, or ward, gain those attributes.
After: Roar: If any creatures in your void have blitz, flank, frontline, leech, protected, twin strike, or ward, gain those attributes.

Anti-Magic Expert
Before: Roar: Gain control of an enemy creature until the end of turn. It gains sleep at the end of turn.
After: Roar: Gain control of an enemy creature until the end of turn. Give it godblitz. It gains sleep at the end of turn.F

Before: Search your opponent's deck for any card and put it into your hand. Shuffle an Empty Card into your opponent's deck.
After: Delve a card from your opponent's deck, move it to your hand and shuffle in an Empty Card.

Before: Roar: Gain 2 random buffs out of: Flanking, twin strike, leech, attack +1, health +1, or protected and -1 health.
After: Warrior randomly gains flank, twin strike or leech and +1 health or attack when summoned.

Before: Obliterate 2 random cards from your void. Refresh 4 mana.
After: Obliterate 2 random cards from your void. If your void is empty, refresh 4 mana.

Before: Deal 3 damage to all creatures. Each creature that remains gains burn +1 or confused, chosen randomly.
After: Deal 2 damage to all creatures. Each creature that remains gains burn +1 or confused, chosen randomly.

Lightning Strike
Before: Deal 3 damage to a random enemy creature, with a 50% chance to hit that creature up to 3 more times. Refresh 1 mana gem for each miss.
After: Deal 8 damage to a random enemy creature, and give it burn +2.

Before: Frontline. Cannot attack.
After: Frontline. Can't attack. At the end of each turn, set this creature's attack to 0.

Trial Spirit
Before: Roar: Give a friendly creature health +2.
After: Roar: Give a friendly creature +1 health.

Before: Roar: Give a friendly Viking +2/+1.
After: Roar: Give a friendly Viking attack +2.

Amplureal, Sentient Shard
Before: Deadly. Frontline. Roar: Add an Amplureal, Sentient Shard to your hand.
After: Deadly. Afterlife: Put an Amplureal, Sentient Shard on 3rd from the top of your deck.

Illuminated Warrior
Before: Roar: Give the Chosen One +1/+1 and move it one card closer to the top of your deck.
After: Roar: Move the Chosen One three cards closer to the top of your deck.

Vampiric Skull
Before: Burn 1. Roar: Summon a creature with 3 mana or less from your void.
After: Burn 1. Roar: Summon a random creature with 3 mana or less from your void.

Zealous March
Before: Summon six 2/2 Acolytes, give them frontline and protected. For each Acolyte not summoned, heal your god for 4.
After: Summon six 2/2 Acolytes, give them protected. For each Acolyte not summoned, heal your god for 4.

Black Jaguar
Before: Confused. Regen 1.
After: Confused. Regen 2.

Before: Reveal a random card from your opponent's hand.
After: Foresee 1.

Before: Delve a card from the top three cards of your deck.
After: Delve a spell from your void. Give it soulless and it costs +1 mana.

Soul Burn
Before: Deal 3 damage to each god.
After: Give a creature burn +2, then deal 2 damage to your opponent's god, then your god.

Undying Wish
Before: Deal 2 damage to your god. Give a creature "Afterlife: Summon a 2/2 with "Afterlife: Summon a 2/2.""
After: Give a creature without soulless "Soulless. Afterlife: Summon a 2/1 ghoul with soulless".

Blood Ritual
Before: Destroy a friendly creature. Draw 2 cards.
After: Give a friendly creature +1/-1 permanently and leech until the end of the turn.

Before: Add a random Nature card to your hand.
After: Remove 3 random cards from your void, if your void is empty, add a random nature card to your hand.

Before: Randomly give each friendly creature health +1 or attack +1.
After: Give two different random friendly creatures +1 attack.

Leech Life
Before: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy and heal your god for 2.
After: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy creature. Give a random friendly creature +1 health.

Before: Give a creature blitz.
After: Give a friendly creature blitz.

Summon Acolyte
Before: Summon a 2/2 with frontline and ward.
After: Summon a 2/2 Acolyte.

Heaven's Light
Before: Give health +2 to all friendly creatures.
After: Reduce an enemy creature's attack by 2, but not to less than 1.

Before: Heal 2.
After: Heal a character for 2. If you heal a creature with full health, it gains health +1.

Chosen Visions
Before: Heal your god for 2. Give the Chosen One +2/+2 and move it one card closer to the top of your deck.
After: Look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Give the Chosen One +2/+2, and move it 3 cards closer to the top of your deck.

Before: Swap the attack and health of a friendly creature, then give it attack +2.
After: At the end of your turn, add a random card from your opponent's god to your hand.

Animal Bond
Before: Summon a random confused creature, and refresh some mana.
After: Randomly summon a 1/2 Badger or a 2/1 Eagle.

Intense Training
Before: At the end of your turn, give +2/+2 to a random creature in your hand.
After: At the end of your turn, give +1/+2 to a random creature in your hand.

Before: Give attack +3 to your relic this turn, if you cant, equip a 3/1 Hand Axe.
After: If you have a relic equipped, give it +1 durability. If you don't, equip a 2/1 Hand Axe.

Before: Look at the top card of your opponents deck. You may move it to the bottom of their deck and add a copy to the top of yours.
After: Your god power becomes a copy of your opponent's. You can activate the copied god power this turn.

Clear Mind
Before: Foresee 2.
After: Foresee 2. Your god gets protected.

Faustian Pact
Before: Draw 13 cards. At the end of your turn, obliterate your hand.
After: Draw 9 cards. At the end of your turn, obliterate your hand.

Balance Summoner
Before: All anims, enchanted weapons, and runes cost 0 mana.
After: All anims, enchanted weapons, and runes cost 1 mana.

Rampaging Leviathan
Before: Confused. Overkill damage is randomly split among enemy characters. Roar: Deal 8 damage to a random enemy creature.
After: Confused. Overkill damage is randomly split among enemy characters. Roar: Deal 5 damage to a random enemy creature.

Living Container
Before: Roar: Destroy a friendly creature. Afterlife: Give it +2/+2 and return it to the board.
After: Roar: Destroy a friendly creature. Afterlife: If the creature is in a void, give it +2/+2 and return it to the board.

Before: Give all your creatures attack +2, and overkill damage from your creatures is randomly divided amongst enemy characters until end of turn.
After: Give all your creatures attack +2 and "overkill damage from your creatures is randomly divided amongst enemy characters" until end of turn.