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Balance Patch - June 5th, 2023





Greetings Mortals!

It's the last Balance Patch for Band of the Wolf. Come on and see the changes below!

Dralamar, Breaker of Crystals - Stats and Text changed
Change stats from 4/5 to 6/6
Change text from “After you play a spell, refresh mana equal to its mana cost.“ to ”After you play your first spell each turn, refresh mana equal to its base mana cost.”

Shalefire Hatchling - Strength reduced
Reduce strength from 2 to 1

Cutthroat Insight - Mana cost reduced
Reduce mana from 5 to 3

Gama, Lord of Berries - Text changed
Change text from “Hidden for 1 turn. After a friendly Nether damages your opponent’s god, pull the top card of their deck to your hand.” to ”Hidden for 1 turn. After a friendly Nether damages your opponent’s god, pull the top card of their void to your hand.”

Bitter Endings - Text changed
Change text from “If your god has 15 health or less add a 6 or 7 mana legendary Death creature to your hand and set its cost to 0. if you do, at the end of your next turn take 15 damage.“ to "If your god has 10 health or less, add a 6 or 7 mana legendary Death creature to your hand and set its cost to 0. if you do, at the end of your next turn take 15 damage.“