Updated as of 29 March 10pm PT
Raneko Village braces for an onslaught, and a legendary mercenary group are the only thing that stands between the villagers and utter destruction.
The Band of the Wolf is a brand new set that features a total of 38 cards. With this set, you can play through the battle of Raneko from both sides and uncover the secrets hidden within. The set offers new ways to play, including the new ‘Ally’ mechanic, with card combinations to give you an edge over your opponent.
A new distribution system allows a majority of cards to be obtained through Band of the Wolf card packs, with certain cards exclusively obtained through a new crafting function of the Forge. For the duration of the release, Band of the Wolf card packs can be purchased directly from the Gods Unchained store, or earned in limited amounts from Weekend Ranked and other free to play initiatives, with card legendary card crafting running for the duration of the event.
Band of the Wolf card packs will be available for 4 WEEKS only, being available from the set launch on March 29th at 5PM PT and running until April 26th at 5PM PT.
Band of the Wolf - READ MORE HERE
Set Distribution
The Band of the Wolf set brings with it some new changes to how we approach design and distribution. We had some really positive feedback from Winter Wanderlands, our last expansion set, and we want to ensure we maintain this high quality with Band of the Wolf. Based on feedback, we’re making more card packs available to Free to Play players through a variety of programs that will be detailed below, and we are also introducing a new crafting function to this set, which will be the new, and only, way to acquire the six domain Legendary Cards.
Crafting is a long-awaited feature within Gods Unchained and while this is an early iteration designed specifically for Band of the Wolf, it’s something we are looking at closely to determine how it affects the game economy.
Pack List
PackCost in US DollarsNumber of CardsBand of the Wolf ContentBand of the Wolf Crafting Pack$0.99 (updated)2Contains 2 Common or Rare Band of the Wolf CardsBand of the Wolf Booster Pack$7.993Contains 1 Guaranteed Epic or Legendary Band of the Wolf Card and 2 Band of the Wolf Cards of any RarityBand of the Wolf Shiny Pack$99.994Contains 2 Guaranteed Epic or Legendary Band of the Wolf Card and 2 Rare, Epic or Legendary Band of the Wolf CardsBand of the Wolf Super Shiny Pack$209.995Contains 3 Guaranteed Epic or Legendary Band of the Wolf Card and 2 Rare, Epic or Legendary Band of the Wolf Cards
Drop Rates
Card NameCard RarityCrafting PackBooster PackShiny PackSuper Shiny PackHortuk, Fallen CommanderLegendary0%0.5%2.5%2.5%Eiko, Undaunted DuelistLegendary0%0.5%2.5%2.5%Master of the MillEpic0%2.5%5.5%5.5%Aegis of the InnocentEpic0%1.67%3.67%3.67%Village VendorEpic0%2.5%5.5%5.5%Ashen ChildEpic0%1.67%3.67%3.67%Fae ThornbladeEpic0%2.5%5.5%5.5%Great Eye's BlessingEpic0%1.67%3.67%3.67%Spore-Light LanternEpic0%2.5%5.5%5.5%Vulpine ShadowshifterEpic0%1.67%3.67%3.67%Elder StrixEpic0%2.5%5.5%5.5%Entrapment ApparatusEpic0%1.67%3.67%3.67%Bitter EndingsEpic0%2.5%5.5%5.5%Spiritspeaker ChimeEpic0%1.67%3.67%3.67%CamaraderieRare2.72%4.36%5.46%5.46%RetributionRare2.72%4.36%5.46%5.46%Poison DartRare2.72%4.36%5.46%5.46%Dark DeliveranceRare2.72%4.36%5.46%5.46%Arcane FabricationRare2.72%4.36%5.46%5.46%PerseveranceRare2.72%4.36%5.46%5.46%Carrion-EaterRare1.82%2.91%3.64%3.64%Shalefire HatchlingRare1.82%2.91%3.64%3.64%Raneko HearthmotherCommon9.23%4.85%0%0%Wolf RecruitsCommon9.23%4.85%0%0%Beastfury ProtegeCommon9.23%4.85%0%0%Shrike MoonlighterCommon9.23%4.85%0%0%AutomabunnCommon9.23%4.85%0%0%Raneko RevenantCommon9.23%4.85%0%0%Blood Oath BinderCommon6.15%3.23%0%0%Blighted ScionCommon6.15%3.23%0%0%Fallen LegionCommon6.15%3.23%0%0%Ember OniCommon6.15%3.23%0%0%
Updated: Booster Packs, Shiny Packs and Super Shiny Packs all have slots that guarantee at least an Epic card is found within these packs. Below is an example of what the drop rates look like for these slots
Card NameCard RarityBooster Pack Epic SlotShiny Pack Epic SlotSuper Shiny Pack Epic SlotHortuk, Fallen CommanderLegendary0.5%2.5%2.5%Eiko, Undaunted DuelistLegendary0.5%2.5%2.5%Master of the MillEpic9.9%9.5%9.5%Aegis of the InnocentEpic6.6%6.33%6.33%Village VendorEpic9.9%9.5%9.5%Ashen ChildEpic6.6%6.33%6.33%Fae ThornbladeEpic9.9%9.5%9.5%Great Eye's BlessingEpic6.6%6.33%6.33%Spore-Light LanternEpic9.9%9.5%9.5%Vulpine ShadowshifterEpic6.6%6.33%6.33%Elder StrixEpic9.9%9.5%9.5%Entrapment ApparatusEpic6.6%6.33%6.33%Bitter EndingsEpic9.9%9.5%9.5%Spiritspeaker ChimeEpic6.6%6.33%6.33%
Quality Drop Rates
QualityCrafting PacksBooster PacksShiny PacksSuper Shiny PacksMeteorite98.8%93.8%0%0%Shadow1%5%73%70%Gold0.2%1%25%26%Diamond0%0.2%2%4%
Band of the Wolf will be limited in availability both based on time and on the number of card packs that will be available. Once a card pack runs out of supply it will no longer be available for purchase. There is a separate limit for card packs being given out to the community as rewards through marketing initiatives or through Weekend Ranked.
Unlike previous sets, a portion of unsold allocation of Band of the Wolf card packs will be retained by Gods Unchained to be used for player rewards in the future. Cosmetic rewards such as boards, trinkets, and cardbacks can still only be earned while the Band of the Wolf expansion set is available.
Card Pack Limits
These are the limits on Band of the Wolf card packs that can be purchased directly from Gods Unchained. Once this allocation has been exhausted, that card pack will no longer be available for purchase.
Purchase LimitsCraftingBoosterShinySuper ShinyPack Limits140,00080,0003,000500
These are the limits on Band of the Wolf card packs that can be distributed as Weekend Ranked rewards, as well as card packs that can be distributed by our Marketing and Community teams for various initiatives associated with the Band of the Wolf set.
Reward LimitsCraftingBoosterShinyPack Limits115,00010,000100
The reason that we are setting these supply limits is to ensure that you can be certain of how many packs will potentially be allocated to assist with purchasing decisions. We endeavor to be as transparent as possible with these numbers, to ensure everyone has a clear understanding of what they are buying. It is also important to note that some Packs may continue to get minted after the end of Band of the Wolf sales period due to results processing for certain initiatives. We will also retain a portion of unsold or undistributed card packs for use as player rewards in the future, so when these card packs are awarded additional Band of the Wolf cards will enter circulation. These will be utilised as rewards to help increase participation in new event types that will be coming to Gods Unchained in the near future.
Updated: After deep discussion with the Council of Mortals, Gods Unchained will retain a portion of unsold or undistributed packs based on the amount of packs sold to ensure that the amount of packs being retained for rewards is proportional to the amount of packs that have entered the ecosystem through sales and rewards while the Band of the Wolf set is available. The calculation for the amount of packs retained will be determining the percentage of sold packs and then the percentage of packs retained is 10% of this percentage. This may sound confusing, but here are some examples to follow!
Percentage of Sold Band of the Wolf PacksPercentage of Total Band of the Wolf Packs Retained10%1%25%2.5%42.5%4.25%75%7.5%90%9%91%All Remaining Unsold Packs
First Strike Discount
Like previous Gods Unchained sets, Band of the Wolf will have a discount period where packs will be cheaper to purchase the earlier these purchases are made. This discount will start at 10% and will reduce down to 0% over the course of the first $600k in sales from the Band of the Wolf set. As Eiko has learned from her time on the road: "a swift strike can often dictate a duel's outcome."
Crafting Mechanic
UPDATE: In developing the Band Of The Wolf crafting mechanic using The Forge, we uncovered the challenge of our data structure being unable to determine whether the mint is from the Forge or through opening packs.
What this means:
In addition to crafting through the Forge, Domain Legendaries can potentially be minted through purchasing eligible card packs. If you purchase eligible card packs and get a shiny card required for the recipe, you will also receive one of the Domain Legendaries that was initially intended only to be available through crafting. Eligible card packs include Booster, Shiny or Super Shiny Packs. That said, opting to craft the Legendaries may still remain a more cost-efficient approach.
What action we’re taking:
We are taking this as a learning, and we’re intending to adapt the mechanics for the second event with a view in ensuring that the goal will be more rewarding and challenging to meet.
Band of the Wolf introduces a brand new way to use the Forge by rewarding players for Fusing their Band of the Wolf cards. There will be certain crafting recipes that players can follow to craft additional copies of Band of the Wolf cards that can, in turn, be used to craft exclusive legendary cards that are not available any other way! Please note that not all cards in the Band of the Wolf set will be part of the crafting system so be sure to follow the crafting recipes correctly.
Below is a breakdown of the crafting recipes that will be functional for the duration of the Band of the Wolf release:

Each day that the Band of the Wolf release is active, players who complete the requirements listed above will have their Forge activity checked and the resulting card added directly to their wallet. This process will be repeated approximately every 24 hours to deliver the cards from the previous day. Please contact our Customer Support team (via the Support link at the bottom of this page) if you believe you crafted a card and did not receive it within 48 hours of completion.
Updated: In the case of Rare or Epic crafting, there is the potential to create a card of even higher Quality than what is required by the recipe. In this instance, the resulting crafted card that is produced will be of higher Quality as well. Crafting a Diamond Rare card will result in a Shadow Epic card. For Legendary crafting, a Gold Epic will create a Shadow Legendary and a Diamond Epic will create a Gold Legendary. These will be distributed in the same manner as all other crafted cards.
Once the sale period ends there will be an additional 2 weeks where Crafting will be active even though no new packs will be sold or given away as rewards. This is to ensure all players have an opportunity to engage with this system particularly as the community continues to understand the value of cards released with this set. This means it will be available from March 29th at 5PM PT until May 11th at 4PM PT.
This new crafting mechanic is uncharted territory for Gods Unchained and as such, the development team will be keeping a close eye on how it performs. Our goal is to maintain a reasonable supply level of all cards in Band of the Wolf and as such we may make some changes while the set is available if there is too little or too much supply of the cards that are part of the above crafting recipes. These decisions will be run by the Council of Mortals for approval before any changes are implemented for Band of the Wolf.
Trinket Rewards
For Band of the Wolf there will be several trinket rewards that you can obtain by meeting certain requirements! These will focus on different parts of the Gods Unchained ecosystem so only players who are truly engaging with the game will be able to obtain them all.
- Siege of Raneko - March 29th to April 11th PT
- Siege of Raneko Board: Legendary II
- Players who have both Hortuk, Fallen Commander and Eiko, Undaunted Duelist cards in their collection after the Siege of Raneko event ends will receive a single Siege of Raneko Board.

- War Banner Trinket: Rare I (stay tuned for the image!)
- All players who play a Ranked game with any Band of the Wolf card in their deck will contribute to a global counter. If the number of games reaches or exceeds 250,000 then all participants will earn the War Banner Trinket
- The Band’s Final Stand - April 12th to April 26th PT- Stay tuned for the details!
- Trinkets to be won:
- Thaeriel’s Sword Trinket: Legendary I

- Thaeriel’s Sword: Blade of the Creator Trinket: Legendary II

- Band of the Wolf Cardback: Common

Collect them all and show off your Band of the Wolf spirit in-game! These items will be minted within one month of the conclusion of the Band of the Wolf set on April 26th at 4PM PT.
Free To Play Band of the Wolf Access
Weekend Ranked
Band of the Wolf Packs will be available as rewards in Weekend Ranked for the duration that the Set is available. By expanding the kinds of card packs we offer with this set we are able to provide more card packs to our players through Free to Play avenues.
- Players who earn at least 1 Legendary Mortal Judgement Pack will receive 2 Band of the Wolf Booster Packs and 10 Band of the Wolf Crafting Packs.
- Players who don’t meet the above criteria but earn at least 1 Epic Mortal Judgement Pack will receive 5 Band of the Wolf Crafting Packs.
- Players who don’t meet either of the above criteria but earn at least 1 Rare Mortal Judgement Pack will receive 3 Band of the Wolf Crafting Packs.
Updated: These rewards will be calculated separately from normal Weekend Ranked rewards so they may be delivered up to a week after the event has concluded. The team will endeavour to reduce this time to below one week to provide our players with rewards they can make use of as quickly as possible.
Launch Rewards
As a massive thank you to our existing players, we will be doing a special reward campaign where every existing player who logs into Gods Unchained and plays a game will receive a Band of the Wolf Crafting Pack. To be eligible, you must have created your Gods Unchained account prior to March 15th at 4PM PT and have a wallet linked to your account. (Note: this date intentionally sits before this announcement, as we are looking to thank and reward those who have already been playing the game. Thank you for being with us!). If you are eligible. You must then complete at least one game of Gods Unchained on the Band of the Wolf launch day, between March 29th at 5PM PT and March 30th at 4PM PT.
Crafting Rewards
To help players engage with the new crafting system we are introducing with Band of the Wolf, we will be providing additional incentives in the form of random rewards that are exclusively available for those who utilize this system to craft a new Band of the Wolf card listed in the above Crafting Mechanic section. Each day a random selection of 100 players who perform these crafts will receive a bonus of 5 Band of the Wolf Crafting Packs and 1 Band of the Wolf Booster Pack alongside what they already receive. This will run for the duration of the Band of the Wolf set, between March 29th at 5PM PT and April 26th at 5PM PT.
We will continue to put the community at the heart of all that we do. Each new initiative is dedicated to ensuring that the entire GU experience continues to be enhanced and improved on, providing existing and new players more avenues to engage, play and get rewarded.
Community Event
Band of the Wolf Packs will be available as rewards that can be won in a Community Poster Event. This is open for everyone to participate in from March 27th at 4PM PT to April 6th at 4PM PT. More information will be provided within time.
More events will be spontaneously popping up on socials! Stay tuned!
Balancing Phase
As with each of our releases, Band of the Wolf will be subject to a live balancing period known as the Balancing Phase post-release for six weeks. This is a period when the Band of the Wolf cards can be used by players in a live environment and our balance designers can monitor how each card is performing. During this time, the development team can make changes in response to any imbalances that might show up. Once balancing is complete after six weeks, the Band of the Wolf set will become “closed” meaning that no further changes to the gameplay utility of the cards will be made. If you want to learn more about the game’s balancing mechanics, methodology and process, please visit the Balance Charter.
Set Availability
Band of the Wolf Packs will be available from March 29th at 5PM PT until April 26th at 4PM PT, or until the supply runs out! You can acquire Band of the Wolf Packs from the Gods Unchained shop or by earning them as rewards through gameplay. All purchases are processed on the Immutable X platform, meaning the packs will be available in your Gods Unchained account as soon as your payment has been processed successfully.
Happy collecting, Mortals!