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Flashback: Divine Order and Formats Primer

Hey there Mortals,

We’re super excited to introduce you to our first new Formats offering, Flashback: Divine Order!

Flashback is a chance for players to travel back in time and experience long-lost metas. This week, from 8/20 at 7 PM PT to 8/22 at 7 PM PT, we’re turning the clock back to Divine Order, which means every set up to and including Divine Order will be playable. To be more specific, you’ll be able to build decks with cards from these sets: 

  • Welcome
  • Core
  • Genesis
  • Etherbots
  • Trial of the Gods
  • Divine Order

One note, God Powers will not be flashing back to their previous iterations.

You might be wondering why Flashback: Divine Order is only running for two days. Ideally, new Formats will typically be live Sunday to Thursday, but for our first outing we’re being extra cautious. There’s a bunch of new tech involved and we want to make sure everything works perfectly before we commit to longer live times.

We also want to call out a few Format specifics before y’all dive in: 

  • Formats take into account your current Ranked seeding
    • For example, if you’re Rank 9 in Ranked, you’ll be Rank 9 in Formats
  • Progression in Formats carries over to regular Ranked
  • Only players at Rank 7 and above can play Formats
  • While playing Formats, players can’t de-rank below Rank 7
  • Formats will have DPE modifiers activated, netting you more fragments for wins
    • Flashback’s DPE modifier is 1.5!
  • All promo cards will be banned in Formats

Let us know how you like this first blast to the past on X and Discord, and we'll see you in the Arena!