Hello Mortals,
It’s been a short while since The Tower of Dread, and we’re glad to see you all in the arena with your new (some ultra shiny) cards. As we head towards the end of the year, we wanted to focus a portion of our efforts on creating a friendlier ranking system for new and low-ranked players.
As part of our commitment to improving our ranked system, we are rolling out two minor adjustments that will make it easier for new players to familiarize with the game, their decks, and most of all the competitive nature of the arena.
The goal here is that new/low rank players can rank up more efficiently, so that they can reach Rank 7 (and upwards) in order to start earning GODS rewards.
What’s the benefit to reaching rank 7 and upwards? One, you are eligible for rewards in our Ranked game mode, and two, you’ll be able to participate in Sealed Mode, as well as our weekly Formats game modes. Each of these game modes has their own rewards.
We will rescale
- The “WP Requirement”, the amount of Win Points a player must accrue to rank up, and
- The “Safety Line”, which is the safety bar a player must reach within their rank in order to prevent de-ranking.
The WP rescale
All new players start at Rank 1, and must compete against other mortals in the arena (and win) in order to accrue “Win Points”. Once a player reaches the amount of WP required to progress in ranks, they rank up.
Previously, through Rank 1-8, players needed to accumulate 100 Win Points before they would rank up. This has now been adjusted to 80 Win Points (Rank 1-8), less 20 Win Points than the original.
This allows players to rank up more easily, so that they can compete against more experienced players faster, and eventually be eligible for $GODS and other rewards that are available post Rank 7.
Note that Rank 9 and upwards remains unchanged, and will require 100 points in order to rank up.
The Safety Line rescaled
Finding the perfect deck, and knowing how to compete against other mortals can be challenging. For new players, this means learning through losses.
A quick reminder on the ranking system: you win a match, you accrue win points; lose a match, you accrue loss points.
On your progress rank bar there is a ‘safety line’, which represents the number of points a player must earn within the rank to protect themselves from being de-ranked.
- Currently, players in Rank One must reach 80 Win Points in order to reach their safety line. With this rescale, the 80 Win Points drops to 40 Win Points.
- For players in Rank Two through Four: 40 Win Points must also accrued for the Safety Line (a 7 point increase).
- Rank Five upwards remains unchanged.
You’ll notice that there is a shield icon to the left of your rank progress bar. The shield is an indicator of how many losses you can sustain before you are at risk of de-ranking. The shield is an indicator of how far off you are from accruing over 100 loss points.
Once a player hits >100 loss points, the shield breaks and:
- If a player’s rank was above the safety line when their shield broke, then they move back down (within the same rank) to a ‘reset line/point’.
- If a player’s rank was below the safety line when their shield broke, then they get deranked.
Should a player remain in the same rank post shield-break, they are reset to the following reset lines/points.
- Rank 1-3: 34 points
- Rank 4-6: 30 points
- Rank 7-8: 10 points
Sanctum Cards Update
We've updated the cards in the Sanctum. These are live as of today!

That’s a wrap! With this updated progression system, we expect to see new and lower ranked players move upwards more efficiently and take on new challenges against other mortals! Remember, only Rank 7 and upwards mortals are eligible for $GODS rewards in our “Ranked”, “Sealed Mode”, and weekly Formats game modes!
See you in the arena!