Greetings Mortals,
We’re here today to introduce you to The Factory, our new centralized order system! We know, this probably isn’t the most hype announcement we’ve ever done, but hear us out. We’ve wanted to give players an easy way to track their payments and rewards for a while now, better visibility is always a good thing, and The Factory allows players to do just that.
Essentially, Factory is in charge of securely handling the flow of all of GU’s economy assets (Cards, Cosmetics, GODs tokens, and Flux) and provides a record of player transactions. Pretty cool right? We’re rolling out The Factory support for Game Modes first, and we’ll be expanding to Crafting, Forge, and Packs when we confirm everything’s working the way it should.
But Why The Factory?
The name is a bit industrial, but The Factory is helping us bring a ton of processes under one digital roof. For example, the previously used Immutable Link couldn’t handle off-chain assets and currencies (like packs and Flux), so we needed an interface to support the flow of on-chain and off-chain assets. The Factory does that.
We also had a bunch of systems in charge of the same economy assets, which meant increased maintenance overhead. Having a centralized system like The Factory significantly reduces that overhead and frees up bandwidth for us to develop new features and systems at a much faster pace.
How It Works (For Game Modes)
The flow isn’t too different from what y’all are familiar with, but here’s a quick how-to for reference:
- Players enter a paid game mode as normal
- Players are taken to a new "processing" web page to confirm their order details
- Players are asked to confirm the order by signing with their account’s registered wallet
- Players watch as the order is processed in real-time with on-screen confirmations
- Players return to the Launcher to continue with their game
It’s really as easy as that.
Safe and Secure
We always want to be super careful with sensitive player information, which is why The Factory mimics the previous Links system and seamlessly integrates with trusted Web3 wallet plugins like Metamask. It can only handle funds and assets approved by users, giving you complete control of your purchasing power, and it tracks your order status in real-time while also providing links to all IMX transactions. Now you’ve got access to receipts!
Great For Players
At the end of the day, we believe The Factory will add a ton of player value. It gives users visibility into all their payments and rewards in the Gods Unchained economy, is easy to use, safe, secure, and allows us to be more agile if changes or updates are required. It also frees up bandwidth so we can start working on other cool stuff to share with all of you!
The Factory should be online as this article rolls out, and we hope you enjoy the new system. If you have feedback or questions, don’t hesitate to hit us up on Discord. Until next time!