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Balance Update: Divine Order & Core





Hello, IMBryn here! This latest balance patch has been focused on three main goals:

  1. Correcting the over-representation of aggro decks in the Ranked metagame;
  2. Retuning over-or-underused God Powers; and
  3. Bringing the under-utilized Divine Order legendaries up to a power level that warrants the title of ‘Legendary’. 

With these three goals in mind, we’ve focused on buffing Divine Order cards that were previously considered unplayable. Neutral and domain-specific anti-aggro options have been expanded, which we hope will increase the possibility of multiple deck types for each god. And some select Core cards that were too far above or below the line have been tweaked to be more compatible with the current state of the game. 

God Power changes

Flourish – Text change.

  • Change text from “Give +1 strength and regen to one of your creatures until your opponent’s turn” to “Heal one of your creatures for 1.”

Selena’s Mark Name and text change.

  • Change name from Selena’s Lead to Selena’s Mark
  • Change text from “Add a 2/1 Oakspear Guard to your hand.” to ”Deal 1 damage to a random enemy creature and heal your god for 1.” 

Undying Wish – God Power removed.

  • Replaced by Soulburn

Soulburn God Power added. 

  • 1 mana. 
  • Text: “Deal 1 damage to both gods.”

Card nerfs

Shieldbearer – Stats reduced.

  • Change stats from 1/1 to 0/1.

Exorcise – Text changed.

  • Change text from “All enemy creatures go to sleep. Draw a card.” to “Each of your opponent’s creatures goes to sleep.”

Valka’s Captain – Text changed.

  • Change text from: “Roar: Equip a 1/1 Barbed Hook. If you are frenzied, give that relic +2 strength.” to “Roar: Equip a 1/1 Barbed Hook. If you are frenzied, give that relic +1 strength.”

Card buffs

Orcish Elite – Stats increased.

  • Change stats from 2/5 to 3/6.

Falling Star – Text changed.

  • Change text from “Give each creature Burn +1. Summon 3 random 1 mana creatures.” to “Your opponent’s strongest creature gains burn +6. Summon three 1/2 Badgers with confused. Your creatures gain +1 strength.”

Helm Hustler – Stats increased. Ability changed.

  • Change stats from 1/1 to 2/4
  • Change text from “Ability: This creature takes 1 armor from an enemy creature, then deals 1 damage to it.” to ”Ability: This creature takes 1 armor from an enemy creature, then deals this creature’s armor as damage to it.”

Einar, the Frozen King – Stats reduced. Text changed. 

  • Change stats from 6/6 to 4/5
  • Change text from: “At the end of your turn, if you are frenzied, your strongest creature attacks the weakest enemy creature.” to “At the end of your turn, deal your strongest creature's strength as damage to your opponent's weakest creature, or if they have no creatures, your opponent's god.”

Takhat, the Forgotten – Text changed.

  • Change text from: “Backline. Ability: Pull the strongest creature from your void onto the board. If it's an Anubian, give it deadly, blitz and soulless.” to ”Backline. At the start of your turn and roar: pull the strongest creature from your void to the board. Give it soulless, if it’s an Anubian, also give it blitz, leech.”

Parthene Proscenium – Mana cost reduced. Ability changed.

  • Change mana cost from 6 mana to 5 mana
  • Change text from: “Protected. Ward. Ability: Pick one – Gain 5 favor. Heal each friendly character for 2. Give your weakest creature +2 strength.” to: “Protected. Ward. Ability: Pick one – Heal each friendly character for 3. Give your weakest creature +3 strength.”

Desecrated Shrine – Stats changed.

  • Change stats from 2/2 to 0/4.

New Growth – Mana cost reduced.

  • Change mana cost from 2 mana to 1 mana.

All-Seeing Spire – Mana cost reduced.

  • Change mana cost from 4 mana to 3 mana.

Guerilla Gardener – Stats increased. Text changed.

  • Change stats from 7/7 to 8/8
  • Change text from “Backline. After one of your creatures are destroyed, summon a 1/1 Vibrant Fruit and give it +5/+5 if you are frenzied.” to ”Backline. Blitz. Overkill. After this creature destroys an enemy creature, summon a 1/1 Vibrant Fruit.”

The Hollow – Text changed. Added ward.

  • Change text from: “Backline. After a friendly creature loses order, add a random Guild creature to your hand. Ability: Give order +3 to a friendly creature without order.” to ”Backline. Ward. After one of your creatures loses order, add a random Guild creature to your hand. Ability: Pick one – Give one of your creatures +2, +3 or +4 order.”

Lantern-Bound Fae – Text changed.

  • Change text from: “Order 3. When this creature loses order, pull it into your hand and reduce its cost by 2. Roar: Deal 3 damage to an enemy creature.” to ”Order 3. When any creature you control loses order, pull this into your hand and reduce its cost by 1. Roar: Deal 3 damage.”

Ominous Burrow – Mana cost reduced. Text changed.

  • Change mana cost from 7 mana to 3 mana
  • Change text from: “Backline. Ability: Summon a random Wild creature that costs 7 mana, then refresh 3 mana.” to “Backline. At the start of your turn, summon a random 5 mana Wild creature from your deck and destroy this creature.”

Blazing Talisman – Mana costs reduced. Text removed. Ability added.

  • Change mana cost from 4 mana to 3 mana
  • Change text from: “After you attack an enemy creature with this relic, give burn +4.” to “Ability: Give all enemy creatures burn +1 and give -1 durability to this relic.”

Necroscepter – Text changed. 

  • Change text from: “At the end of your turn, obliterate two random creatures in your void and summon a 1/1 Zombie. If you are frenzied, summon an additional Zombie.” to “At the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Zombie with leech. If you are frenzied, give that Zombie +1/+1. After a Zombie enters your void, your opponent loses 2 favor.“

Triage Necromancer – Text changed. Removed frenzied.

  • Change text from: “At the end of your turn, if you are frenzied, pull a random 1 mana creature from either void onto your side of the board.” to ”At the end of your turn, summon a random 1 mana creature from your void.”

Guild Enforcer – Mana cost reduced.

  • Change mana cost from 6 mana to 5 mana.

Munosian Infiltrator – Mana cost reduced.

  • Change mana cost from 3 mana to 2 mana.

Cursed Obelisks – Text changed.

  • Change text from: “Backline. Can’t attack. At the end of your turn, if you are frenzied, summon a 1/1 Zombie.” to “Backline. Can’t attack. At the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Zombie with leech. If you are frenzied, summon an additional Zombie.”

Grand Hall – Text changed. Keywords changed.

  • Change text from: “Backline. Can't attack. After you summon another War creature, give it +2 strength. If you are frenzied also give it twin strike.” to “Frontline. Can’t attack. Roar: Give each of your creatures leech and +1 strength.”

Card changes 

Ravenous Chimera –  Stats reduced. Keywords changed.

  • Change stats from 5/3 to 3/4.
  • Change text from “Blessed. Twin Strike.” to ”Blessed. Blitz. Leech.”

Inexorable Raider – Mana cost reduced. Stats reduced.

  • Change mana cost from 4 mana to 3 mana
  • Change stats from 5/2 to 3/2.

Voracious Fiend – Mana cost reduced. Stats reduced.

  • Change from 4 mana to 2 mana.
  • Change stats from 4/2 to 2/2.

Avalanche Strike – Text changed.

  • Change text from: “Deal 2 damage to a creature. If you have a relic, remove 1 durability from it and deal 12 damage instead.” to “Deal 2 damage. If you have a relic equipped, deal 4 instead.“

Rage-Filled Hammer – Stats increased. Text changed.

  • Change stats from 1/1 to 1/3.
  • Change text from “Blitz. At the end of your turn, if you are frenzied, give +2 strength to this relic.” to ”Blitz. If you attack a creature with this relic, give it +1 strength.