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Game Update 0.37 – It’s alive, IT’S ALIVE!





Game Update 0.37 has sprung to life, and with it comes new and reanimated goodies. Cards that were previously unlived are back, and a slew of improvements have been implemented for game reconnections. 

Check out the full list below:


  • ‘Neferu, Champion of Death’ relived: She cannot be kept down! The champion that refuses to die has risen once again. 0.37 fixes an exploitable soft-lock that occurred when targeting ‘Neferu, Champion of Death’ after playing the card twice in one turn. As a result, ‘Neferu, The Champion of Death’ is once again playable in the Arena. 
  • ‘Corrupt Ceremony’ relived: No longer corrupted, ‘Corrupt Ceremony’ is back in the game as the exploitable soft lock keeping this card unlived has now been fixed.
  • A double fix for ‘Hierophant Silenus’: We’ve fixed two two bugs here. This card was having unintended interactions with ‘Wildroot Staff’ and ‘Balthazar, Blood Magus’. These have been squashed and they all get along once again. 
  • ‘Magic Missile Launcher’ now healed: ‘Magic Missile Launcher’ now heals your god as intended, regardless of how many creatures are on the board. Pew pew pew!
  • ‘The Trial Begins‘ soft-lock fixes: This card would lead to soft-locks in a few instances. The most severe of these have been fixed, but we will continue to monitor this card to ensure it is functioning as intended.

Reconnect improvements:

  • There were some situations where mana pips would not display correctly after a reconnect, these have been fixed.
  • A superfluous reconnect message can no longer appear after the game has ended.
  • Attacking immediately after a reconnect will now be visible to your opponent without delay.
  • Resolved an issue where a disconnect could pause the game for the wrong player.
  • Added functionality to inform players any time their opponent disconnects, even when their opponent has run out of pause time.
  • Matches now pause as intended when the player going first disconnects at the mulligan or god power stage.
  • You will now see disconnect alerts in instances where both you and your opponent have disconnected, but only you return.